Technology That Will Impact The Education Sector In The Near Future

In the past years, a number of difference trends in the education sector have been implemented with varying degrees of success. However, the trends that the prior couple of years brought in the sector have totally changed the sector’s dynamics and are certainly here to stay for the foreseeable future.

From primary right down to higher education, digital transformation in the education sector has been fast-tracked and has made it undergo a shift towards online and cloud-based delivery platforms.

Edtechs are the new School 2.0. With its current pace of disrupting the traditional learning process, the value of this sector is predicted to grow to USD 30 billion in the next 10 years. Much of the credit goes to mobile technology, cloud services and virtual reality. These create new possibilities for accessible, immersive learning.

What Does The Future Of Learning Resemble?

What will future classrooms be like? Evolving technologies such as cloud computing, augmented reality (AR) and 3D printing are paving the way for a future of education in ways we may have yet to see. Although at the very least, we are able to extrapolate from what these promising technologies and also predict how schools are going to adopt them in time to come.

However, just as the initial intentions for new technology frequently give way to innovative and erratic usage, we can never be quite sure if a twist is pending these rising stars.

Tablets In Classrooms

Tablets have become the mobile device that students utilise most frequently, and for good reason as they’re also ideal for mobile apps. Plus, they’re small and sufficiently portable for students to use individually, big enough for multiple students to share as well as versatile enough to serve as a video player, word processor, or educational gaming device.


This type of learning describes a new EdTech concept. In this transformative technological trend, students are able to get an instant source of learning through ultra-bite-sized lessons exactly when and where they require them.

Nano-learning is still popular but will unquestionably grow in popularity in the coming future as, in today’s hustles, it fits effortlessly with society’s need for ways of passing on knowledge and proficiency.

Augmented Reality (AR)

We’re still waiting patiently for Augmented Reality to take the world by storm though Google Glass, gaming as well as awesome apps for astronomy.

It’s likely to wow audiences with its AR capabilities. These capabilities allow users to see further information layered over what they see through the lens. At the moment, however, access to AR technology for educational purposes is largely limited to smartphone apps.

Assistive Technology

For students suffering with disabilities, new technologies translate into empowerment so putting them on a far more equal position with their classmates than ever before. According to stats released by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), a little under 7 million students in the United States — or about 13% of total public school enrolment — receive special education services. A broad range of assistive technology devices are accessible for special education students and students with disabilities that offer the educational support they need.